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Former Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama Staffer 'Zara Rahim' tweets ‘inshallah’ Trump dies, when he dies we thank Allah

When a Muslim asks her if they should say “alhamdulillah” that Trump has coronavirus, she responds “No we wait for D E A T H.” “Alhamdulillah” means “thanks be to Allah.”

The Qur’an says: “Muhammad is the apostle of Allah. Those who follow him are ruthless to unbelievers, merciful to one another.” (48:29)

Ruthless to foes, merciful to friends: this is the shared mindset of the Left and Islamic supremacists.

“‘I hope he dies’: Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama alumna Zara Rahim weighs in on Trump’s COVID19 diagnosis with the grace you’d expect,” Twitchy, October 2, 2020:

Libs are having a normal one following Donald Trump’s COVID19 diagnosis. And by “normal,” we of course mean “awful.”

There’s been no shortage of nasty takes from the Left — as well as conspiracy theories — but some takes are extra-nasty.

Like this now-deleted tweet from former Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama staffer Zara Rahim:

What a gem she is.

But if you want to see Rahim’s tweets for yourselves, we regret to inform you that she has protected her account, which is something blue-checks aren’t supposed to do. So, if Twitter doesn’t suspend her for the “I hope he dies” line, maybe they’ll get her for violating a lesser rule.

Source - Jihad watch

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