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What I Drank This Month

Hey there!

It's coffee time! I love coffee. I have a cup every morning and then another one when I get to work.

It's a shame that we always start the same way, right? But, my love is my Tully's Decaffeinated French Roast (12.99 /18 pods). I won't go into it too much this month. I'll just say I have this EVERY month. It's my jam.

I placed an order for the Gloria Jean's Caramel Almond Torte ($11.99 / 12 pods) because I had tried Gloria Jean coffees before and loved them. This is my third Gloria Jean coffee and it is heavenly! I think the Gloria Jean people put extra caramel in their coffees or something. They are fantastic. The only thing I can hope for is that they begin making decaf coffee and then me and Gloria Jean will be a couple.

Archer Farms Decaf Caramel Macchiato is a regular in my pantry as well. This is the Target brand and it is so good. I do have to brew it on the smallest cup because it's a light roast but that's ok. The flavor packs a punch so I'll deal with making two cups when I have to.

Can we talk about this monstrosity? The Original Donut Shop Coffee, Sweet & Creamy has to be THE NASTIEST coffee I have ever had in my life! Who in the hell came up with this? The smell is ridiculous. The "creamy" part tastes more artificial than regular powdered creamers. It isn't sweet or creamy (I had to add sugar and half and half). And, there is a disgusting after taste that I had to chug a soda to get rid of. It's horrible. My first thought was to take it to work and then I decided I didn't want my coworkers to hate me.

I don't know how much branching out I'm going to do folks! Three out of four for the month is pretty good but dumping ten bucks each month on nasty coffee isn't the way I want to live! I want good coffee everytime!

But then the post wouldn't be as exciting huh?

Well, as exciting as decaf coffee can be.

Stay tuned my friends!

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