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The month of June will be here sooner than I thought it was Gentle Reader.  I thought that time would move slowly.  But instead, time is moving quicker than I previously planned for.  That's ok.  I'm ready for the possibility of time moving faster than originally planned for.  I try to be ready for anything no matter how remote the chances.  The weather feels more like Summer.  There is less snow on the ground.  Is it halfway through the year yet?  It will be halfway through the year when June 2014 arrives.  That means that soon it will be only six more months before the year 2014 is done.  And then what?  I guess the year 2015 is only six months away.  I am ready for the year 2015 only being six months away?  I can't wait to see what the future has in store for me. 
And as I'm lost in thought as the calendar moves closer towards June, here are some photos of Jessica Alba.



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