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Happy New Year: Top Posts of 2019

Dress// Dior Pumps (similar)
I'm wishing you all a very happy new year! If you are out celebrating tonight, I hope you have a wonderful and safe time! I don't do resolutions, but I did share some things I am most excited for in 2020 that you can read about, here. I also shared the top products of 2019, here. So today I thought it would be fun to share the top blog posts of 2019 and top searches of 2019!

Most Searched 2019:
- Wedding
- Hair 
- Goyard
- Engagement
- Home
- Sephora 
- Amazon
- Diamond Necklace
- Makeup
- Chanel
- After Party Sale
- Charleston
- Gift Guide
- Henry
- Bedroom
- Workout
- Lake Pajamas
- Diet
- Bedding
- Sneakers

I am a big analytics girl and that's a big part of what drives the content here on Summer Wind. I check this every single week but it's fun to look at a big chunk of time as a year to reflect and see a bigger picture. Obviously, reader feedback plays a big role as well as what I truly want to write about and share... but analytics don't lie and they paint a pretty clear picture of what audiences want. And this isn't just for my website- this is for most sites across the board! 

For example, I'm truly not a crazy wedding obsessed girl- but I see the popularity in the analytics (both through which blog posts perform well and the #1 search term is 'wedding'... not to mention the amount of wedding-related post requests I receive when asking each month for post ideas on instastories...it all adds up) and this is what is super popular and what you all want to read! You all also love reviews of products so I'll definitely keep that in mind for 2020- let me know if there are any, in particular, you'd love for me to review! 

It also paints a picture as to what particular posts are performing really well in terms of SEO/SEM. For example, the Goyard blog post is a few years old now, but the SEO on that post is performing particularly well. I also think there aren't a ton of resources out there on that topic, so that's why my post performs so well. A post like the Botox post which is a few years old is performing well because I have linked to it several times throughout 2019! 

And as for the search terms, it paints a picture of what people want to know about. The topics that you all want to know about are topics I should be posting about...I'm glad to see Henry on the list :) It also helps me to know what words to use in my posts. For example, I see 'sneakers' on the list and that teaches me that I should be using the word 'sneakers' over tennis shoes... not always, obviously, but this is a good illustration. 'Diet' doesn't really make sense to me because I don't post about diets so that one is one of those 'outliers' that just can't be explained- also a topic I don't really plan to post about either. And 'wedding' is likely popular for 2 reasons: because of the sheer amount of content I have posted in regard to that topic AND the genuine interest from the audience... there are so many variables! 

And as always, you can email me at summerwind41490@gmail.com with any post requests or even DM me on Instagram...although e-mail is a lot easier for me to use as DM's constantly get lost! Thank you all so much, from the bottom of my heart, for continuing to visit this little corner of the internet. This is truly my passion project and connecting with kind, smart, enthusiastic women brings me so much joy throughout the year. I can only hope that Summer Wind brings you joy, too! Wishing you all a very wonderful, healthy, and prosperous new year! Cheers, everyone, see you in 2020! 

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