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If You Don't Like the Weather...

There is a popular saying in Colorado: "If you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes, it will change." In this case, it waited one day. We had around five inches of snow last Tuesday, with temperatures in the high twenties, and by Wednesday it had almost all melted and temperatures were in the sixties. Before and after photos are above

More before and after views. The snowfall we had this month almost broke an all-time record for snow during April in Colorado! This enables me to take unusual springtime photos......

....... instead of pink blossoming trees, I can show icicles in April!

Or grass and snow at the same time!

Also, people wearing shorts while they jog in the snow!

The late snow also made for some fascinating critter sightings, as I spotted a red fox hunting for rabbits in my yard and a hungry squirrel that was dining on a chunk of ice.

The weather has been beautiful this weekend -- we hit the high seventies--but who knows what next week will bring? It certainly makes life interesting! 

The robins have returned, so perhaps Spring may finally be here to stay! Thankfully, all this moisture has returned the Colorado reservoir levels to a more normal level and reduced the fire danger in this region, so, all in all, it's been a very good thing!

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