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Random Encounters + Bestiary Table

The bestiary table for the Heavens Bless'd & Burned.

Monster Name Short Description
Bevar Asp A deformed child of dragons, 40 feet long, a giant anaconda whose bites inspire lust, fear, or envy.

Bless'd Blood Worms Irradiated worms that feast on dragon's blood and can infect men.

Bless'd Komodo Massive drakes whose bites ensure certain death if not treated within 10 days. They stalk their prey after biting.

Burned Widow Dragon Wives who have been corrupted by radiation and grief.

Cipactli A massive reptilian creature with fanged mouths for joints.

Consort A soul reincarnated by Tiamat to serve her needs.

Direwolf Irradiated wolves that are hyper intelligent and hyper aggressive.

Dragon Winged aliens that hatched from the moon and irradiated the world.

Ghul Drake A smaller drake that pretends to be dead in order to ambush prey.

Hyena Ka A hyena given human form by Tiamat and sent to the City to sabotage it.

Hyena, Spotted Irradiated hyenas that have the intelligence of man.

Ifriti A spirit of fire that grants wishes to the dead and dying.

Irradiated Soul The spirit of a human who died from radiance, left sorrowful and in pain.

Kobold Draconic humanoids born from a dragon's corpse.

Old Dragon Slayer Wanderers who seek to kill dragons and dragon wives in their own ways.

Old Opal King Flaming spirits of ancient kings that once served the gods.

Old Opal Wraith Flaming spirits of heroes that once served their kings.

Pilgrim Men possessed by flaming spirits who wander the Ashpits looking to give their possessors a proper burial.

Radiant Saint Powerful consorts who have greatly influenced armageddon.

Soot Shadow The lonely souls of those turned to ash by dragonfire.

Tzitzimilti  Irradiated souls who drank starlight and now hunger for human flesh.

Wyvern A type of drake who does not breathe fire, can fly, and has a poison stinger.

And some random encounters. Roll d20 if you just need a day encounter. Reroll anything over 65 if you just need a night encounter.

  1. 1d4 Ghul Drakes
  2. A lone direwolf
  3. d12 Irradiated Souls, unmoving and weeping
  4. Collapsed building covered in d20 Soot Shadows
  5. D6 gatherers. 5-in-6 chance one of them is infected with Bless’d Blood Worms.
  6. 50% chance of Gatherer vs Direwolf. Either is chased by d4 Bless’d Komodos
  7. Old Dragon Slayer, roll d6 for Order
  8. Helioscribe burning picture of dead dragon
  9. D4 Tzitzimitli
  10. Lone traveler. 3-in-6 chance of being a Hyena Ka
  11. Burned Widow
  12. D4 Bevar Asps, led by a Burned Widow
  13. 2d12 Kobolds
  14. Cipactli, accompanied by d4 Bevar Asps
  15. D4 Wyverns
  16. Pack of 4d20 Spotted Hyena
  17. Dragon Wife
  18. Radiant Saint, accompanied by d20 Consorts, d20 Ghul Drakes, and d20 Bless’d Komodo
  19. Dead Dragon being pulled back to the City by 40 laborers
  20. Live dragon. Roll for age.

21-25: Make an Environ Action

26-30: Make an Environ Move + Roll a Creature

31-36: Environ Specific Creature

37-40: Player's exert selves while traveling, drink/eat or lose 2 hp every hour

41-45: Roll 2d20, keep numbers separate - creatures are in confrontation, roll on confrontation table

46-50: Radiance River, Aurora, Lake, or Waterfall - Save vs Poison or increase radiance by 1

51-65 only happen at night, no encounters otherwise

  1. Pack of 2d8 direwolves, led by God Drinker
  2. Pack of 4d100 Hyena, led by Moon Riser
  3. 6 Radiant Saints meeting in secret
  4. D4 sleeping Dragon Wives
  5. 2d10 Ghul Drakes
  6. 2d12 Tzitzimitli, led by Itzpapalotl
  7. An Ifriti leading a train of 2d20 Pilgrims
  8. A lone, half-dead traveler. 2-in-6 chance of being a Foreigner, a Hyena Ka, or a Pilgrim
  9. A bonfire with a 5-in-6 chance of summoning an 2d4 Old Opal Wraiths
  10. A dragon wife pyre with a 3-in-6 chance of summoning an Old Opal King
  11. A bonfire summoning random ghosts, and 2d4 Gatherers asking them questions
  12. Cipactli, asleep
  13. An Oracle Lich performing bloodletting on themselves
  14. Half-buried library covered in 5d100 soot shadows
  15. A torch, lantern, candle, or bonfire goes out and cannot be relit

66-70 for sleeping player's, no encounter otherwise

  1. D12 blood worms attempt to infest a player at random.
  2. D8 Hyena will wait sneak into camp, steal food, and then ambush party when they awake
  3. D6 Consorts begin tracking the party; will kidnap a random character in the night as they sleep
  4. Random player will be possessed and need to make Save vs Magic or become a pilgrim
  5. Party is sleeping ontop of a sleeping, buried dragon

71-75 are for when the player's enter into an uncharted territory
  1. Dead Dragon Wife, killed via sacrificial heart removal
  2. Blood and soot stained altar for sacrfiice
  3. Clutch of dragon eggs
  4. Remains of a destroyed Gatherer camp. Various artefacts and supplies scattered around
  5. Shattered moon fragment. Signs of life cover one half of it.

76-99: No encounter

00. Ereshteteo, Goddess of Annihilation

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