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Thoughts of the Month

1. Living in the country is very different to living in the city. I know it sounds obvious, but since this is a large regional city I thought it might have changed in the 15 years I was away. Essentially it hasn't. It's still the same, backwards country town it always was, it just has more residents. 

2. We've been having some very wet, windy and wild weather lately, I love it. Give me winter any day.

3. I am one of those people who don't watch the news so I never have any idea what's going on. Lately this has really pleased me because from what I see on twitter lots of nasty things have been happening. Maybe it's idealistic but I believe that sometimes ignorance is bliss.

4. Life as a FIFO widow is not getting any easier, nor is Chai getting used to it. It's not natural for families to be separated.

5. I've been really enjoying music lately. Since I had Chai I've mainly listened to children's music but recently I've been listening to the music channels on Foxtel. There are some really beautiful songs around at the moment. If I knew what any of them were called I'd tell you, but I have no idea. 

6. I'm thinking about chopping my hair again. I did a drastic chop about six month ago but it's grown again (funny that). I'm considering chopping it to about shoulder length before bub is born.

7. What's with all the Instagram spammers lately? I've been getting around 10 follow requests a day, mostly from people with only one photo that says they are making $1,000 just for posting photos. Not sure how that works when they only have the one photo up. Fools.

8. Country people are so different to city people. They are much more friendly, kind and happy to have a chat. Chai and I stand out the front of our house and everyone walking past will make eye contact, say hello and often stop for a chat. We also regularly go walking with random neighbours who Chai chases because they are walking their dogs. None of them mind, they are all happy for us to follow along with them and have a chat about the weather/dogs/kids and anything else that comes up. I love it. 
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9. For months I have been looking for a round cheese grater. I searched high and low in Perth to no avail. Finally I found one down here at a divine store called Acquire. Even better, it was on sale. My life is now complete. It's the little things.

10. I'm sure all my regular readers know how much I am loving living down here. There are so many wonderful things that I'm really enjoying. One of my favourite things so far (apart from the gorgeous location, having my family close, lovely weather, friendly people etc) is the farmers markets. They are open seven days a week, have very cheap prices and the most amazing range of fresh fruit, vegetables and deli products. I go there every few weeks, spend about $150 and have enough fresh fruit and vegetables to last me for two to three weeks.

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