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Dollar Tree gifts

The husband, aka Representative Lamar, decided he needed to go to the National Covention of State Legislators, and I would accompany him as his trusty side kick.  All joking aside, he informed me of this trip in January, some months ago, and I've worried about it since then.  Heck, who am I kidding... I worry for all of y'all out there about everything.  But seriously, this was legitimate worrying I had to do.  I was leaving my babies.  Not only that, I was leaving little, well she's in the 95th percentile, Annie all alone without her momma and source of food. Stressed.  Worried.  Concerned.  Anal.  You call it.  That was me.  I wanted to cry, but I'm not a crier so I just thought about the trip... A LOT!!!!  I teach 9th-10th grade girls Sunday school and I even put my trip on our prayer list!!!!

Well, Trey planned the trip, which is a completely separate blog... Or two... And we went.  But this blog is devoted to the boys.  Since Annie is only 5 months old I knew she wouldn't cry about missing her momma, but the boys might.  So to ease their pain I shopped at my favorite store, The Dollar Tree.  I loaded up on good junk for each day I would be gone.  I figured that having a prize to count down the days until our return would be fun. So here's what they got:

Coloring books and super hero crayons
Super hero shirts
Silly string and goofy straw glasses
Chips and ninja masks 
And puzzles... Except somehow Ford's puzzle didn't make the pic. 
Each gift was wrapped and the packages numbered.  I think this pleased the boys and it was actually quite fun to me. 
Seattle blog posts to come. 

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