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Forgeworld Avenger Possible Stats

Faeit212 has some info on the stats for this beastie over on the blog, however as everything is taken with a pinch of salt until confirmed by the masses here are the highlights:
  • 150pts + upgrades
  • 2 lascannons, heavy stubber and avenger bolter cannon
  • cannon stats: st6, ap3, heavy 7
  • can use bombs
  • can use multilasers, missile launchers and autcannons
  • cannot have the punisher cannons (bugger but if i modelled them I'm sure i could use them occasionally)
  • possibly AV12 but no confirmation
as I say until confirmed with the book in my hands this looks a good start, shame about the punisher cannons, also no mention on if it can add a second lot of las cannons, would be interesting.

so thoughts and feelings?

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